So two weeks ago I went to the Chelsea Aesthetic Center to try out something I was both nervous and skeptical to try. The Quantum Scio Biofeedback Machine. The whaty what? Let me tell you more!

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So you hop on the bed, as you would a facial, but instead of a lovely massage, wires are velcro’d to your ankles, wrists and around your forehead… scary? Electric Chair vibes?

Angie begins to tell me how I might feel sleepy and not to do anything over exerting that evening.

Every single organ in your body vibrates it’s own energy and when energies are disrupted due to toxins or parasites, we cannot function to our best abilities. So, what this device does, is it collects the bio-energetic data from the body and balances it where needed, a practice that  is recognized and practiced world wide.

Ok so here is were I got nervous. Angie can see pretty much everything! From emotions to dental problems, and whether you drink too much wine.EEK!

Still skeptical, I slowly succumb as Angie says, “Are you angry?”  Well I started laughing. I hadn’t been that irritated and cross that morning, than in a long time. (oh something about the husband is out surfing while all his appointments with ADT, Telkom, On Tap arrive as I need to leave the house, am late for a meeting with deadlines, a puppy to still drop off at my moms and the phone is ringing off the hook) Mm, seemed worse at the time… anyway.

Later she asked if I was allergic to grass and it showed that I was sensitive to house dust. Mmm, I have suffered from bad sinus colds in the last 2 or 3 years that I never used to get as a child and my husband does always say I sneeze alot… never thought about that.

Generally I was healthy, I could up my water and was sensitive to goats cheese and tomatoes and I didn’t drink too much wine.YES! *Air punch* At this stage I could pass out I’m so tired, but I was way to fascinated.

Next was emotions. Yowzers. That was fascinating… there were a few emotions I was suppressing and a few that were overly high. Strangely enough, one of them my mother had sat me down a few weeks go and said, ” I think you’re xyz”, and boy oh boy, was that one emotion that was high. I wanted to cry. It was like it was just confirmed. Always listen to your mother?

While Angie is not a doctor or psychologist, she gives you the knowledge to take away with you, and think about it in your own time. Boy did it make me think.

Angie, by using  the machine is able to help balance any energies that are out of sink. Depending on your state of affairs, she can recommend more sessions and how often etc.

Here is part of my report. It’s nice to have to know what you could be working on.

The Scio is also used for children with ADD and can enhance memory and focus. Perfect for kids struggling at school.

For more information read here, for a detailed report from Body & Soul.

Angie says” Scio are currently establishing S.A. protocols and procedures to register with Medical aid bodies”, which is fantastic. Your first session is 1 1/2 hours and follow up sessions are 1 hour at R480 a session.

Angie is giving Kim Gray readers 1 free session with purchase of a package of 5 sessions. For bookings, You can call the Chelsea Aesthetic Center on 021 797 5001

Angie has a very calming presence and is well worth the visit! I’d definitely like to go again!

Chelsea Aesthetic Center, Chelsea Day Spa, Quantum Scio Biofeedback

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