Guest blogging

While I’m away, I have the awesome pleasure of having LanaLou do a guest post every Wednesday to keep you and your desires inspired. Lana finds the most incredible eye candy and I love visiting her blog! I know you’ll enjoy her as much as I do!

As you can see, I’ve left my blog in very capable hands! Enjoy!

Guest Blogging, Lana Lou Style Blog

2 Responses to “Guest blogging”

  1. gaia 29. Sep, 2009 at 13:20

    You areright…It’s only few days I’ve discovered LanaLou and I’m totally in love with her, with her blogs, the pics, the colors…She’s that kind of girl you want to have around, she’s the girlfriend with style that gives you always good advise…I really like her…
    And also she has fantastic friends/bloggers as you are!

    Have a terrific end of the week…I’know it’s only tuesday, but be positive friday it’s already ate the door

  2. Char 29. Sep, 2009 at 15:13

    Stunning! LanaLou’s blog is such an inspiration. You certainly can enjoy your break. Looking forward to LanaLou’s posts.