Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! May 2015 be happy, healthy and harmonious!

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(Images via here, here and here)

My New Years Resolutions:

*To be more mindful / present

How: Leave phone on desk / don’t charge phone in bedroom at night / be on social media  during  “work hours” only / keep a to do list on desk/next to bed

*To be more organised & free up my time

How: Use all the time I previously wasted on my phone and plan my next day the night before / plan my week better and create a weekly planner my husband & nanny have access to / Use on-line grocery deliveries etc = free up time to read / exercise / play with Harry etc

I only have those 2 – thankfully I gave up smoking years ago, I eat well and exercise. I’m not Gisele Bündchen so I best just stop trying to be her! (Just a pinch of her wold be fantastic though!!) Anyway – this year is about living! Not missing the moment! Not just making my day about ticking off lists. I guess the first year of a child is always going to be bit of a circus – but I feel like my juggling is getting a little more steady – so here I go! I’ve got so many exciting ideas and projects and I can’t wait to share them with you. Happy 2015! I hope yours makes some terrific memories! xx






3 thoughts on “Happy New Year!

  1. Love this! I decided on “balance” as my resolution, or rather my hope, for 2015. I head back to work on Monday, after a wonderful few months of maternity leave, so my journey this year will be all about balancing work, a toddler, a baby, further studies, and saving some precious time for the husband and myself. Best of luck to us both!


    1. All the best Elle! Sounds busy but rewarding! 🙂 Watch out for an up-coming post about “Tilting” instead of balancing 🙂 xx



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