Post Holiday Pick Me Ups

Jade Leggat shares with us her make-up artist tricks of the trade!

After the holiday season of delicious indulgence, sun and probably one too many cocktails, it’s time to rescue your skin.

Starting from the inside, up your water intake, pile up your plate with fresh raw greens and include some good fats, yes you heard right, your body loves healthy fats like avocado, almonds and coconut oil.


On the outside, a favourite skin pick me up product is Dermalogica multivitamin power recovery mask. It’s the perfect product packed with concentrated vitamins giving skin that extra helping hand in recovery and anti ageing. 


 For instantly revived skin, try a Sprits of REN Tonic Moisture Mist. It gives instant cooling and hydration to tired skin.
Mac strobe cream is a great ‘cheat’ product, it adds instant glow, giving the illusion of well hydrated skin. Apply after your normal moisturiser and before you apply your foundation or tinted moisturiser. Concentrate on your T-zone, working the product just above the cheek bones, bridge of the nose and a dab on the cupids bow.

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