Wreck This Box

Stuck in a rut? Writers Block? Feeling a lack of creativity? Then you need Keri Smith’s Wreck This Box Book Set. A set of journals to wake up the crazy in you!

What to expect from these journals.

Wreck This Box.

Staple the box in an interesting pattern.
Make a collage on one of the panels. Paint over, glue on photographs, scraps of paper, pieces of string . . .
Write a secret message to yourself inside the box.
photo 3 (6)
This Is Not A Box.
This is not a box, it’s a plant pot. Poke holes in the bottom, fill with dirt, and plant some seeds!
This is not a box, it’s a diorama.
Create a miniature scene inside.
This is not a box, it’s a disguise. Cut out the glasses on the top panel.

Make A Mess With The Box.
Cover this box with gum.
Leave this box out in the rain.
Use this box to build a sand castle.

Wreck This Box by Keri Smith is available at R495 and available at all good book stores

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