banting buddies

Things that make my life better

A few things that make everyday just that much better!

I am LOVING our new Brevillle Coffee machine. Now you’ll probably know that in the past I’ve blogged about other machines, as I love coffee, and I guess there’s something for everyone out there. (Pods, push of a button etc) SO having tried a few different machines, I was a bit daunted at first by the Breville machine, as I thought it was going to be hard work – and I want coffee ASAP in the morning. To my excitement, it’s SO easy to use, has that artisanal feel and flavour, and looks industrial-designer-stylish! Over the moon with my new machine! Find it in two size at @Home, here. 

photoNext, a designer – all purpose nappy bag by Taylor Covington. This bag can easily be used as a handbag, laptop bag or nappy bag. With its many compartments, I can be super organised and be out and about in style.

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Next, Banting really has changed my head, body & life! Cannot recommend the course I’m doing more highly! Man, the stuff I’ve learnt has me never wanting to eat from a major retailer again. But that’s for another post.

Here are some Banting ingredients I’m enjoying that I got at Faithful-To-Nature!

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Oh Mega Macadamia Nut Butter – is the best way to combat a sweet craving, get more fat in your diet and indulge. I love the crunchy texture of this butter. Don’t be fooled by cheaper Macadamia nut Butters at larger retail stores that contain genetically modified ingredients and vegetable oil.

Looking to up your fat intake and make a delicious salad dressing? Try out the delicious organic Avocado Oil. It has quite a strong flavour so a little goes a long way.

Did you know the rise of heart disease, infertility (and more) and the first recorded heart attack was around the 1930’s, when grains were introduced. Here’s a lovely grain free cereal full of goodness. I love the crunch!

I’m also cooking with Coconut Oil now days. (You don’t even want to know the unhealthy process seed oils go through) – it’s best to actually buy the Coconut Oil in glass too if you can – see options here.

But it’s all so expensive you say? SO is a trip to the Doctor! Plus – I eat less, drink less, don’t snack or by sweets and chocolates! Saved heaps right there! I’m going to have to stop right there, or I’ll become and Banting Basher! 🙂


Then, while I love cooking for Harry and having a hand in his diet – The Baby Grocer saves me loads of time – so I can spend more time with Harry. Do tell your hard working mommy friends! It’s great to know Harry is getting a good variety in his diet and it’s all organically sourced.


Here’s to a great weekend ahead! XOX

If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em

So it’s nothing new, I’m sure you’ve talked about and debated  banting until you were blue in the face around many a dinner party. I sure have. But after seeing the incredible transformation my Pilates teacher has experienced (A single mother of 3 boys who’s now got more energy, thriving businesses, exercises loads and just wants to get up and GO!), I decided to do her 6 week Banting Buddies Course to see if banting really was, all-that-and-a-bag-of-sweet-potato-chips.

What I’ve learnt so far:

* Banting is not just about fat (cream, butter, lard, animal fat etc) but focuses on eating the best quality food you can afford. i.e. grass fed, organic animal products, fresh produce – no processed, packaged, tinned food! Fresh is best!

* Macadamia nuts are the best nuts to eat – full of omega 3 fatty acids

* Seed oils are bad *tosses flaxeed oil

* snacking spikes your insulin levels

* Always read ingredients labels – even a block of what you think is real butter can have hidden nasties in it. You want the pure, real deal when it comes to food!

* Be organised – toss all temptations and keep healthy snacks / food available – it’s the key to your success.

* You can really eat on this plan. Listen to your body – it will tell if you’re hungry/full

You can drink coffee – whooohoooo – and it’s so good with cream!

How I’m Feeling:

* Week one I experienced headaches towards the mid-to-end of week. ( I did start after a holiday of lots of wine and chocolate so there was a definite detox going down)

* Origionally felt hungry here and there so I tweaked my fat intake

* Week 3 and I am fuller faster – don’t crave snacks

* I have more energy

* I am more productive – E.G I’ve mapped out a weekly routine/planner and created structure to my week where before I wasted a lot of time, felt a bit all over the show. I am now thinking clearer and feeling highly motivated.

* Wine makes me feel crap! I can go without wine in the evenings now. ( I was worried I would never be able to do that 🙂  )  – don’t get me wrong, I still love wine and feel for a glass, but I can do without.

I am still getting my head around cream and butter – but you can tweak your intake according to what you are more comfortable with. I try to eat more olive oil, macadamia nut butter (OMG THE BEST), loads of avo, eggs ( You’ll learn the myth about cholesterol & eggs on the course) but am loving a lashing of cream and butter in cauli-mash here and there! Cheese, ah all this time I’ve been avoiding it. Yum!!

The one thing I do recommend and I’m really enjoying, is having a coach. Until it’s a way of life and I’ve reached my personal goals,  (I’ll share those in up-coming posts) it’s great to be steered in the right direction, have your diet tweaked to best suit you, answer questions and to really understand how and why this way of eating works and how your body works/processes the different food groups. I’m hooked! Time will tell – let you know how it goes!

For more on what you can expect to achieve and an outline of the course, see