The Food Industry: The myths & lies – Banting Buddies Week 4

So I’m still really enjoying the Banting lifestyle. If since cut out milk (keeping all other dairy) and now feeling even better. Cream in my coffee keeps me full for ages and gives me a little Happy-High!

Below are a few facts, myths and lies I learnt this week: 

Eating protein in the am is a good way to combat hunger later in the day. But don’t over do protein, it’s converted into glucose and we now know excess glucose is stored as fat.

Pure Organic Virgin Coconut Oi is best to cook with as it’s the only oil stable enough to resist high heat damage.

Your body only needs one teaspoon of sugar to function optimally.

I used to drown my salads in flaxeed oil as I was too told how healthy it is! Rather, it’s packed with Omega 6 which is highly inflammatory! (You want to eat pure Omega 3’s) It’s basically toxic! You’ll learn heaps of other reasons on the course. (Over flooding the body with Omega 6 leads to premature ageing, feeds cancer cells, leads to high insulin levels and more) You will get a whole list of oils to avoid like the plague on the course.

Butter is good! Filled with Vitamin K & D – the margarine business lead us to believe it was bad. You just have to look at the ingredients list on a good block of butter and a margarine tub and compare! Also the process of making butter is so simple – no heating / chemicals etc

Avoid salt. Not true. By cutting out all the processed food in your diet, you’ve already eliminated most of your salt intake. Pink Himalayan Salt can liberally be used over food to make veggies more tasty as we do need some salt. (Normal white salt is bleached)

And I hear it ALL the time! But how can fruit be bad? Well, it’s full of fructose that gets stored as fat in the liver. Fructose is the exact same sugar found in sweets. The odd piece of fruit is fine. But just 5 servings of fruit a day is equivalent to a 500ml soda.

Sugar raises Cholesterol and feeds heart disease, not fat. Sugar causes you to store fat, raises bad cholesterol, raises blood glucose and insulin levels.

Meat is linked to diseases. Well if you eat a battery chicken then sure! But people have been eating meat since day 1 with very little disease dating back to our grandparents time and before. (i.e. Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, infertility to name a few) The first real heart attack was recorded in the 1030’s , the time when grains where introduced.

Grains contain a mineral blocker that prevent the absorption of calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and zinc.

In the last 130 years of grain consumption, the average weight of the population has increased.

Vegetable oils are usually GMO and are extracted using chemicals. In a nut shell – seeds oils are heated to very high temperatures and use chemicals to strip the rancid taste and pumped with more chemicals to give it a nutty flavour. It’s just down right evil!

Avoid Soya!! It’s pretty much GMO 99% of the time – with massive links to infertility, miscarriage and breast cancer.

These are just a few of the scary things I’ve learnt this week. The course goes into way more details! Every week I am more and more convinced by this way of life! Find out about the Banting Buddies Course Here. And for more info, follow them on Facebook Here.  There is now also a 3 week course being offered! 

P.S. Remember to READ your food labels. Big retailers – even the health ones, sell organic / nut butters etc – but the biltong can be coated in sugar, the nut butter full of vegetable oil etc

Great places to food shop:

Frankie Fenners


Garden Route Goodies 


Gogo’s Deli 

Buy the best produce you can afford. xx





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